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Coincidences and Surprises

Life is funny sometimes. You guys know I have read and reviewed The Black Maybe by Attila Veres (which, by the way, has been nominated for this year's Bram Stoker Awards - absolutely deserved!). I've read it on kindle and as I do with e-books I end up loving, I ordered myself a physical copy for my home library. As I like to visit Caro now and then I ordered it at the Otherland and they called me when it arrived to come and get it. But apparently, after the call, Attila Veres was in Otherland, browsing, and saw his book in the pick-up shelf and signed it for me. So Caro calls me again and says my book is signed now and when I went there to pick up my copy, it was the best surprise! I was really down and depressed for a while, but this was one of those coincidences which made me genuinely happy and lifted me up. Thank you for this, Attila Veres!

Pssst! Don't spread the news yet but the chances are good there might be another surprise coming next!


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