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Showing posts from August, 2023

I'll Be Off Then!

...the Soul of Wit - Short Reviews

Haha, this will be one big rant post. It was an unlucky month for me and the book choices I made left much to desire. At the risk of sounding like grumpy İnci, I'm really unsatisfied with what I have read but I hope you enjoy the short reviews nevertheless.

Like Cut Up Earthworms - Reviewing "Extended Stay" by Juan Martinez

A place changes you – a city, a neighborhood, a hotel. A story. You arrived to each with your own fear, your own hunger, and you found yourself taking on the cast and the appetite of where you were. You couldn’t help it. About one third into Extended Stay I was confused and not sure what Martinez was trying to do here. The half-hypnotic, half-psychedelic narration. The dream-like atmosphere. Confusion. A main character as detached from his reality as he was from his readers. Helpless, directionless, sometimes mean, sometimes aggressive, sometimes opportunistic, sometimes indifferent. An environment teeming with, literally leaking hostility. It really felt like reading a dream, or rather a nightmare-diary. And I didn't like how it affected me, it didn't feel like a kind of fiction I enjoy reading.

Mad Weather for Mad Movies

First off - I am profusely sorry if I have motivated anyone to go to open air cinemas in Berlin in my last text on films, in which I claim it an exhilarating pastime and the way the summer goes this year, let's face it, it's just not great at all, it is awful... I apologize. This summer sucks, to be brutally honest. During every single movie I went to see open air it rained in various degrees, from mild pattering to Earth-has-decided-to-end-by-flood level and I am now tired sitting on cold benches with chattering teeth and wet feet, and before developing severe frostbite in August I decided I will finish my film plan either at home with my hot water bottle or in indoors cinemas. Still, it wasn't all for nothing, because I saw a lot of good films and documentaries so far. The day before yesterday, for instance, I finally got the chance to see a movie I was really craving for and it was amazing for me. I am, clearly, talking about Mad Heidi.