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Showing posts from September, 2024

FFF Reviews 2024 - Part Two

And here I go with the second part of my favorite FFF movies of this year's 38th edition. While writing these I realized that I watched and really enjoyed a lot of French and French language movies this past week. Having studied and spoken French for my whole life, but not being able to connect with the country per se, I actually miss French, just not the French, lol. I also enjoyed watching light-hearted movies and laughed a lot during this festival. Here are some more reviews, some funny, some serious.

FFF Reviews September 2024 - Part One

Another September, another Fantasy Filmfest. And it has already ended, damn! As I mentioned before, I didn't find the lineup as a whole unanimously interesting, but a few picks ended up being partly OK, partly great for me, so let's take a look at them. There may be mild spoilers in what I discuss here, but I'll never give away the punchline of the respective films.

...the Soul of Wit - Short Reviews

Hey everyone! Despite the ongoing Fantasy Fimfest fever I found some time to quickly post some of my latest write ups, I hope you enjoy just as much as I enjoy the hot weather in Berlin!