Shall I believe my eyes or not, dear reader? A reading event at the Otherland Bookstore Berlin? The last time I saw something similar was, like, at least two years ago, so the pandemic is indeed coming to an end, I guess. Seriously, I'm so happy it's a horror reading, PLUS it's Mats Strandberg who is the nicest horror person in the world and the appointed Swedish Stephen King on top! I'd say don't miss this... Here's the Otherland's message: "Have some fine Swedish horror and delightful talks about pain and blood when we welcome Mats Strandberg, author of Blood Cruise , The Home and Die Konferenz (in German translation) on Friday the 13th ... ah ... no, the 23.09. at the Otherland. Don't worry, we mop up afterwards. The event starts at 8 pm and is for free, just drop us a mail so we know you're coming: service(at)" See you all there!
reviewing freaky books and movies