One of the best and most exciting reads I had this year was Catriona Ward's The Last House on Needless Street , that's for sure. But it is super hard to review because the phrase "the less you know about it before reading, the better" has never held more weight than for this book. So, I'm aware that I'm moving on dangerous ground here and will try to review accordingly. I also have to say that I personally did know nothing about this book when I started reading it and that was something that truly paid off. I had it on my e-reader because it probably was on some "year's most anticipated horror" list and I noted it and then found a good deal somewhere and purchased it, adding yet another title to my ever growing and never ending TBR-pile. When a few months later a book friend of mine on goodreads posted that she started reading this but feels uncomfortable about reading it alone and I took this spontaneous opportunity to do a buddy read - because...
reviewing freaky books and movies